Drinking tea as a beverage has been practised over centuries in different parts of the globe. The secret to good white tea is buying it from the Best Tea Company in Assam. There are a variety of teas with unique benefits like fighting inflammation and aiding digestion. Some of the varieties aid in preventing cancer and combating heart diseases, too. Brews like white tea offer a wide range of health advantages. The benefits of white tea are visible predominantly when you start drinking this beverage regularly. While white tea is mostly known to have a lasting impact on the wellness of your body, let us cite some more benefits for you.
So while we share the whole list of benefits of white tea and how to brew it right, put on the kettle and relish the goodness.
9 Benefits of Drinking White Tea
Preventing heart disease to dental well-being – white tea benefits are immense. The leaves are obtained from camellia sinensis – the same plant that gives us black tea and green tea. However, unlike its black and green counterparts, white tea leaves are plucked only once a year in early spring, and comprise both leaves and buds. The young, half-opened leaves are covered in fine white hair thus giving the tea its unique name.
Compared to green and black teas, white tea is the least processed of them all giving it an organic essence. This also ensures that leaves retain a high amount of antioxidants in them. The benefits of white tea are immense as they aid in complete bodily well-being. Although green tea and black tea are obtained from the same plant, it is the method of processing that sets them apart. Risk of heart disease, ageing and weight loss are some of the major concerns that are addressed by white tea.
We have listed some of the major benefits and perks of white tea for you.
1 High antioxidant content
White Tea consists of catechin which is a form of polyphenol. These are plant-based molecules which function as an antioxidant for our body. The role of antioxidants is to protect the cells of our body from the attack of free radicals. Accumulation of free radicals in the body can lead to detrimental impacts in the long run, damaging the functionality of the major cells. This can consequently lead to rapid ageing, a weakened immune system, and other major chronic inflammation.
Fortunately, we have white tea to combat the situation. Antioxidants combat the free radicals and prevent such harmful impacts on the cells. Tea extracts are useful for animal nerve cell protection against hydrogen peroxide. This beverage is also effective against the inflammation caused in the cell bodies, especially in the skin cells.
2. Ensures a healthy heart
Heart disease is strongly associated with chronic inflammation in the blood vessels. Changes in diet, hectic lifestyle, smoking, and intense exercise are some of the major factors that are leading causes of heart disease making one prone to cardiac arrest.
As polyphenol is found in white tea, it can effectively aid in reducing heart disease with positive results for better cardiovascular circulation. The pressure inside the blood vessels is effectively reduced with the regular consumption of white tea. Polyphenols further prevent the growth of bad LDL cholesterol in the body reducing their oxidation. This is a leading cause of the increased rate of heart disease. Studies have revealed that if you consume 3 cups of white tea every day, the rate of heart attack is reduced by 21%. Consumption of white tea combined with a change in lifestyle and habits can greatly impact heart health.
3. Helps in weight loss
Green tea might be the first option that comes to mind when one thinks of weight loss. However, it’s not the only beverage that aids in weight management. White tea helps in burning excess fat in the body and aiding in the reduction of a couple of pounds for you. Due to the presence of catechin and caffeine, the effect of these compounds is synergic on weight management. Experts have suggested that drinking white tea can stimulate the entire fat-burning process. The tea extract effectively prevents further new fat cell formation. Metabolism is also increased by 4 to 5% with regular consumption of white tea. Studies suggest that 70-100 calories are burned every day with the consumption of such beverages.
4. Maintains Dental Health
The combination of different molecules in the content of the beverage aids in fighting bacteria and dissolves the sugar left behind in our oral cavity. Hence white tea should preferably be consumed after every meal. Fluoride is present in the beverage which creates a protective film over the surface of the teeth. Acidic food often corrodes the enamel but due to the presence of fluoride, bacteria find it hard to grow on the surface of the teeth and between the crevices. Further, the growth of plaque bacteria is also kept under check with the daily consumption of beverages like white tea.
Catechin and tannin are two different polyphenols which are the major components behind effective dental well-being.
5. Presence of cancer-combating compounds
White tea benefits combine the cancer-combating ability of the compounds in the beverage. These help in causing apoptosis or cell death of the cancer cells in the body leading to a halt in their rapid proliferation. By triggering cell death, the growth of colon cancer is also inhabited. Studies show that consumption of white tea helps to protect normal cells from becoming cancerous as well.
6. Reduce the risk of insulin damage
The importance of insulin in our body is immense aiding in movement of the nutrients downhill. Further, nutrients in the bloodstream are extensively circulated and stored for later. With high sugar consumption, the regulation of insulin is hindered leading to diabetes. Many might even face a condition like insulin resistance which is a common symptom in such cases. The cause of type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance in the body. Further, it leads to additional metabolism symptoms.
The presence of polyphenols in white tea helps to promote insulin production and circulation in the body. This consequently reduces high blood sugar levels in the body as well.
7. Prevents Osteoporosis
This is a health condition where the calcium and other minerals in the bones are dissolved due to ageing or several other chronic conditions. Preventing porosity in the bones and hollowness is one of the major white tea benefits. Acute inflammation in the body followed by the accumulation of free radicals is detrimental to bone health.
Catechins found in white tea promote growth and strengthening of the bones. The breakdown of bones is suppressed due to the abundance of catechins.
8. Prevents ageing of skin cells
With ageing, wrinkles are formed on the skin’s surface. Moreover, the layers of skin lose tenacity causing the skin to loosen out. Namely, there are two different kinds of ageing that the body undergoes. These include internal ageing and external ageing. The latter occurs quite rapidly due to the presence of other additional external factors like unruly lifestyle, consumption of unhealthy food, and several other environmental factors. UV rays further damage the skin and lead to an increased rate of inflammation.
Free radicals as well as certain enzymes can lead to internal ageing associated with cell death. These enzymes include collagenase and elastase. The skin Fibre networks are effectively damaged leading to loose folds on the skin surface. Polyphenols found in beverages like white tea help to create tightness in the cells and prevent wrinkles.
9. Protection against nervous syndromes like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
Certain compounds in white tea are highly beneficial to combat and lessen the risk of developing syndromes like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. By suppressing the free radicals and consequently reducing the risk of inflammation one can effectively fight against such acute conditions.
Nervous system conditions are acute and although white tea cannot be called a medical cure, it has properties to prevent the development of such ailments to a certain extent.
In the case of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, irregular protein folding can lead to inflammation. Clumped and misfolded amino acid chains damage nerves to such an extent that there is no complete cure. Inappropriate protein folding is prevented by the EGCG present in white tea subsequently leading to a positive impact on the brain. Recent studies offered valuable insights that drinking healthy beverages like white tea can aid in the reduction of nervous issues by 35%.
There might be many items in the market which can help in weight loss or prevent heart attack. However, we all prefer to opt for something that is easily available and whose preparation is hassle-free. White tea combines both benefits and hence a suitable option for beverage lovers. Drinks like these are not only easy to prepare but also tasteful and combine all the essential health benefits. No wonder, this is a popular choice among all age groups.
You can use either loose white tea leaves or tea bags to make this warm beverage. A partner to you in the misty winter evenings, white tea benefits are visible in the long run. Ideally, water should be heated to 170-185°F. Do not use boiling water as the intense heat can ruin the fine aroma of the drink. Set it on a rolling boil and then allow the water to cool down for another one or two minutes before proceeding. The perks of drinking white tea include both the cold and warm brew that you can make out of it.
By balancing the flavour with the essential warmth, you can prepare yourself a drink as comforting as white tea.