Tulsi, also known as the Holy Basil, is a leaf with immense value in terms of health benefits. An essential component in ayurvedic drinks and beverages, tulsi tea enriches the taste and contains several vital factors. Whether it is mythological relevance or medicinal value, tulsi’s importance is deeply embedded in Indian culture. Tulsi tea is a commonly prepared beverage that aids in creating a balance of taste and goodness for the consumers. 

Holy Basil tea can be consumed any time of the day and is often prepared as a cure for colds and coughs. Good for all seasons, there are other major benefits of having tulsi tea as well. We have listed a couple of benefits of tulsi tea so the next time you are making this drink, you can make the most of the perks of it. 

Tulsi As a Therapeutic Agent In Beverages 

Numerous complex compounds are present in tulsi leaves including ursolic acid, eugenol, carvacrol, luteolin, apigenin, and more. These are effective and powerful antioxidants which prevent the formation of free radicals in the body and diminish the existing ones. Potent terpene is present in beverages like tulsi tea. These are propanoic acid, limatrol, linalool, saponins and more. 

While you brew the tulsi leaves in water, these components are released in the warm water. Once these phytochemical components mix with the water, the tea becomes extremely rich in taste and the concoction is one of the most healing. Part of its reason in being one of the healthiest and richest drinks as a beverage, are also other ingredients such as calcium, Zinc, iron, vitamin A, C and even chlorophyll. 

From offering a holistic treatment to the body to bolstering the immune cells , tulsi tea offers a wide range of benefits to consumers. Moreover, it also helps to cure kidney stones. So if you are still looking for reasons why you should consume tulsi tea then read on to find out more. 

Tulsi Tea Benefits:

Tulsi tea can be prepared any time of the day and you can have it throughout the year. Aiding in curing cold or keeping us refreshed during the summers, beverages like Tulsi tea are packed with aromatic essence. Let us find out about some of the popular tulsi tea benefits before you add it to your routine. 

1 Gives a boost to immunity

Tulsi leaves are rich in antioxidants which makes them ideal for consumption to combat the free radicals in the body. It also possesses antimicrobial properties that ultimately help to increase the immune response of the body and effectively fight against several diseases. Whether it is infection or illness like the common cold and influenza, having tulsi tea can help in minimizing the impact of the fever. 

2. Plays a key role in reducing stress 

Stress is an alarming factor in today’s world where we are tormented by hectic schedules. Stress from a rapid lifestyle can also be kept at bay with some tulsi tea a day. You can prepare this beverage right in the morning or in the evening as you come back from work. Since tulsi leaves are great adaptogens, they are useful in acclimatising to the environment so that an individual can deal with the upcoming events without feeling panicked and stressed by the pressure. 

3. Offers respiratory wellness 

When it comes to respiratory wellness and circulation, the role of tulsi tea is absolutely indispensable. In fact, tulsi tea benefits include its ability to improve and alleviate respiratory issues and aid in common colds, asthma, coughs and more. Moreover, drinking tulsi tea in the morning can also help in clearing nasal congestion for ones facing seasonal cold. Drinking tulsi tea during sore throat can ease the pain and provide warmth and relief to the patient. 

4. Promotes digestion 

Tulsi leaves have several properties among which we must cite its ability to cure digestion issues and bowel problems. The tea has carminative properties which help in reducing gastric issues. Gas formation, bloating, and indigestion due to bad diet are raging problems these days. However, a simple step like preparing tulsi tea can help you to feel eased out after a heavy meal. Gastrointestinal health is essential for growth and well-being. With a cup of tulsi tea every day, you can facilitate smooth functionality of the alimentary canal. 

5. Regulates the blood sugar level in the body 

Tulsi tea has proven to be an effective solution to keep the blood sugar level in the body under check. Through improving insulin sensitivity, blood sugar levels in the body are regulated to prevent diabetes. The best time to have tulsi tea is right in the morning after you wake up. By including tulsi tea in your regular diet, a diabetic patient can take care of the glucose content in the bloodstream. 

6. Improving cardiovascular health 

Another prominent property of tulsi tea includes its influence as a cardioprotective element. This further helps to reduce the cholesterol level in the body and circulate blood pressure when you start incorporating this beverage into your routine. Begin your day with tulsi tea and then move on to a hearty breakfast. This in turn helps you create a rhythm in the body as well as reduce any risk for cardiovascular disease. 

7. Improves cognitive function

There are several different compounds in tulsi which showcase cognitive improvement properties. Such compounds help in increasing the sharpness and overall cognitive properties of the brain. Moreover, if you have tulsi tea regularly then it can aid in increasing concentration, enhance focus in a matter, and create strong memories for the individual. Brain health is essential for the smooth functionality of the body and the best way you can achieve it is via the consumption of such organic beverages every day. 

8. Promoting a radiant skin

Since tulsi has an antibacterial trait, it is highly effective in creating radiant skin on frequent consumption. Its anti-inflammatory property prevents the formation of free radicals or leads to their quick dissipation. Hence by drinking tulsi tea every day, one can acquire a skin which feels radiant and fresh. 

9. Augments in weight management 

Through an improved rate of digestion, the accumulation of fat in the body is prevented effectively. Tulsi tea causes the secretion of gastric juice in the alimentary canal. The antiulcerogenic property of tulsi tea helps to prevent excess secretion of pepsin. Moreover, lipid peroxidation is further prevented along with increased secretion of mucous from the mucosa cells. All of these collectively impact the digestion of the body. Through quick assimilation of carbs and proteins, one can reduce their weight. One can gradually shed fat over time with frequent consumption of tulsi tea. 

10. Cures kidney stones 

Tulsi tea is a quick remedy or prevention method for kidney stones. Healthy functioning of the kidney is something that can be hindered due to a lack of consumption of adequate amounts of water and mineral deposition.  By maintaining the uric acid level in the body, kidney stones can be addressed in a few easy steps of tulsi tea preparation.  However, if a stone is already present then the size of it can be diminished through drinking healthy beverages like tulsi tea.

11. Aids in hair growth 

Due to the presence of myriad antioxidants in tulsi leaves, the free radicals in the body are reduced. This in turn promotes the formation of collagen in the body. As a result, hair growth is strongly promoted with the regular consumption of tulsi tea. Moreover, a film of protection is created over the cells which prevents the entry of harmful UV radiation and arrests the ageing process. Blemishes, acne and pimples are common these days due to an unhealthy lifestyle but one can take care of it by drinking tulsi tea every day. Similarly, dandruff and dry scalp are rising problems due to pollution around us. However, tulsi tea can consequently aid in reducing dandruff formation in your scalp over time. 

Tips to make tulsi tea at home 

It’s an easy step to make tulsi tea at home with just a few tips and tricks to get it right. Begin with boiling the water first. However, do not let the temperature of the water rise above the boiling point. 

Then you can add 3 to 4 leaves to the water and allow the tulsi leaves to release their flavour into the water. Slowly, the water absorbs the aromatic essence of the leaves and even its mild greenish hue. After a few minutes, you can add the tea leaves or powder to the boiling water and then allow the tea to brew for a while until the fluid changes its colour. To give a mild sweet flavor, you can add some honey syrup to the beverage too. To give the beverage a zesty essence, try squeezing in a few drops of lemon juice.
A beverage like tulsi tea is ready in just a few minutes. The benefits of tulsi tea are massive but the effort to brew a cup is minimal. You can have it with snacks in the evening or start your day with a refreshing warm sip. You can have one to two cups every day to observe the effective results.